Simon's Page

This Page Holds Some Stuff I Built Over The Years

Optimize Center of Center of Mass by Animation

Genetic algorithm to optimize for the center of mass s.t. the knight can balance on the selected joint.

Inverse Kinematics Fun

Had some fun with inverse kinematics

Make It Stand

Automatically optimize the center of mass trough hollowing the interior of a 3D printed object such that it can balance on a specified point.

Mario Bot (Reinforcement Learning)

Physically Based Simulation

Computer Graphics Course (Generated by my own renderer)

1 / 8
Multiple Importance Sampling
2 / 8
Adaptive Sampling
3 / 8
Fun with mashes and creating a scene
4 / 8
Volumetric rendering
5 / 8
6 / 8
7 / 8
Adaptive texturing

Published Papers / Thesis

Titel Link Additional
Deep500 - Bachelor Thesis Thesis
A Modular Benchmarking Infrastructure for High-Performance and Reproducible Deep Learning (Based On my Bachelor Thesis) Paper Accepted in IPDPS 2019

Subset of my ETH Summaries in Latex

Lecture Link Additional
Deep Learning DL Summary Mario Project
Computer Graphics CG Summary
Statistical Learning Theory SLT Summary
Game Theory Game Theory Summary